Toronto Met Journalism Course Union

This is the JCU's landing page for all relevant links. Scroll down to find what you're looking for!
We have a new email: [email protected]


Our Winter 2024 Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM)'s student only portion will run from 3-5pm on Tuesday March 12th and will be a hybrid event, with attendance options both in-person in The Venn (RCC 103) and over Zoom.Our student AND faculty portion will be from 1-3pm on Wednesday March 13th and will be a hybrid event, with attendance options both in-person in RCC202 and over Zoom.To receive the Zoom links to your inbox, please submit your TMU email address using the registration form below.If you cannot attend either session but have a question or concern fill out the second form below.Have questions regarding the SAGM? Send us an email at [email protected] or a DM @torontometjcu


Check out our Redbubble!Buy our designs as gifts for family, friends, or yourself, and buy them on your own time (no order form necessary).We've lowered our profits to the lowest point to ensure as many people as possible can rock our merch, and any profits we do collect go right back into events held throughout the school year.


The Journalism Course Union (JCU)'s YouTube channel holds past SAGM recordings, panels and more. Be sure to check it out below.

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